Merry day after Christmas! I hope everyone got what they wanted.
Here’s some of the knitting related things I’ve got to show:
My momma made me a PIE HAT. It’s very nice, totally rad. The only downside is, it’s sooo heavy! It’s hard to keep it on my head. Also on the knitting front:
Oh how I adore it. I’ve always loved the patterns I’ve found at MOCHIMOCHI and having things in book form makes things that much easier. I also love that in the back of this book there’s a guide on how to design patterns on your own. Very cool.
But, of course, I’m saving the best for last
I’ve started my sweater! It’s a christmas miracle! Just kidding. But I am pretty happy to get this started. The pattern comes from a book called CHIC KNITS. I picked it up at my local Hobby Lobby and really liked the BOYFRIEND SWEATER. Other than that, I’m not sure I care for much more in this book. Anyways, the sweater is knitting up pretty quick. It’s just a straight stockinette for now. I’ll wait till I get to the good stuff till I post about it again. That’s all I really have for now.