How do you keep your yarn wrangling organized? It seems like an easy to answer question at first, but in fact organization exists on many levels. Maybe you are truly not organized at all, in which case I am personally daring you to try and photograph your stash in whatever locations you can find the individual skeins. However, if you are organized, blog about an aspect of that organization process, whether that be a particularly neat and tidy knitting bag, a decorative display of your crochet hooks, your organized stash or your project and stash pages on Ravelry.
I wish I could answer this accurately.
I'm gonna sound a lot more orderly than I actually am.
I live with a roommate, In a dorm so really, I try not to keep much of a stash around here, there's just no room. I have a few skeins of yarn kept in my project bag for the things I'm working on and I get more to put in there when I go home or decide to message my mom to send me more (wouldn't happen). I have about 3 crafting/knitting books on the ledge along my window to keep me company and my first drawer of my built in dresser contains several hats that I've knitted. (I'm addicted to quick projects. send help)
I sound so organized, but if you saw my house, it would be a different story entirely. My dad hates it. My mom and I are both avid yarn users so naturally, there's a lot of product to rummage around in. The crafting closet in our home office has a big storage tub of yarn and more yarn surrounding it, shoved into different bags. Our front room has a basket filled with fun fur and several projects my mom is working on. Then there's my room. God bless my mom for trying to get this basket of nightmares in order when I moved out of my room. It's near impossible. I am just not the organized type, I'm the 'in-hindsight' organizer. I look at that terrifying pile of tangled yarn and I think to myself how I would use it, if only it weren't in an impossible state. Keep dreaming. My room back home has my projects stuffed in all kinds of places. I need help.
From the home mess.
My needles are a totally different story. I keep them all in one place, for fear that they would get lost. My mom bought me a case with interchangeable circular needles. Bliss. There's a place for everything there. When I got into crocheting last year, that was my present this christmas. Hooks! I have nearly every size, and I can keep them in the handy package they came in! Then my boyfriend bought me a package of every size DPN you could think of as his christmas gift. I ended up making my first sewing project to hold them. So on that front, I'd say I'm good. They all fit in my nifty second sewing project (my bag)
That about wraps this day up. Anyone wanna become a professional de-tangler? I know someone in Florida who needs it.
My project bag. You can see my needle case poking up from the depths.
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