
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I've got a secret

do you wanna see it? That's too bad, it's a surprise! Okay, I'll give you a blurry little sneak peek.

You can't see it all that well, but the thrifted piggy
in the back is too cute for words.
I had too many a few hanks of yarn left over from my sweater, so I obviously had to figure out a way to use it.  I've been working my heart out on this cowl pattern and will hopefully have it up and ready to view in a few day, provided school and general life things don't get in the way.

In other, more personal news, I've decided this year is all about getting healthy. So each month, I'm going to try a new, healthy goal to incorporate into my eating and let you know how it goes. I was going to go sugar free this month, but seeing how valentine's day is approaching and I have urge for everything chocolate like no one's business, I'm trying this month as more protein month. As a vegetarian, I'm severely lacking in this department. I love beans and all, but I'm not that great at incorporating them into daily meals. I plan to pick up some protein powder at this week's trip to the grocery so I can step forward in my plan of looking (and feeling) generally better.
Here's to the healthy year!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Of sweaters and weather

I'm pretty proud of this lovely thing.
The pattern is of course, Kate Davis's paper dolls. Naturally, I'm super excited to wear it everywhere and wore it for the first time on a date night with my boy. The one thing that really sucks about Florida and knitting, is that it's already time to put away things like sweaters and handknits. The season is officially over and I don't think I'll get another chance to wear it until next fall. Oh well, at least I got a few good shots.

Monday, January 23, 2012

A New Start

Hey guys. It's pretty much been almost a year since I updated this blog. I'm going to be completely honest and tell you that my last semester was really just way to hard on me. I lost interest in the things I loved and became too engulfed in my work. Now that things are back on track I'm really starting to gain motivation to share the things I make with people. So let's go over some of what I've done and some of my goals for 2012


  • my first sweater! *squee!*
  • multiple hats
  • A cool scarf (picture below)
  • A blanket. Preferably, the famed beekeeper's quilt
  • Another sweater
  • A charted pattern of my own
  • More Cowls! 
Seriously, I'm obsessed with cowls. They're such a quick knit and they always turn out so beautiful. More on that later. For now, I leave you with my awesome scarf.